Category Archives: Perversion and Propaganda

Worshipping Mars » Veterans For Peace UK

Chase Sydnor, former Marine, wrote in July 2013:

We had a running joke in the Marines, that the Chaplains were the most ‘Gung-ho’ of the military establishment. I recall walking into an Army chaplain’s office and standing bemused at the huge portraits of Confederate Generals of the American Civil War which hung on his wall. Could I find much in his space which related to Jesus…not much? It looked like some kind of Confederate War shrine.

…As a recruit in Marine Corps Recruit Depot, I was stunned to enter the base chapel and see it adorned with stain glass windows depicting images of conflicts U.S Marines had fought throughout its history. I questioned who we were actually worshipping, God or the Marine Corps. The Marine’s Hymn {yes….the Marine Corps has its own hymn}, propagates a false myth of Marines being the guardians of the gates of heaven. As ludicrous as it seems, it does feed into a callous myth of relating military service as some divine pursuit. As Marines, we recited a ‘Rifleman’s Creed’ which invoked the blessing of God in our desire to shoot accurately and kill our enemy. Throughout my time in the Marines, I came across many slogans which equated U.S soldiers as God’s Warriors

‘Worshipping Mars’ – Christian Militarism » Veterans For Peace UK.

Civilians, “Militants”, Collateral Damage — whatever

This is a quick throwback to a very important article Glenn Greenwald wrote a few years ago about Obama’s policy to call every person killed by drones a “militant” and the media’s willingness to go along. I haven’t been able to see the original article at Salon, perhaps because I need a subscription, but this blog gives a good rundown of the content.

Virtually every time the U.S. fires a missile from a drone and ends the lives of Muslims, American media outlets dutifully trumpet in headlines that the dead were ”militants” – even though those media outlets literally do not have the slightest idea of who was actually killed. They simply cite always-unnamed “officials” claiming that the dead were “militants.” It’s the most obvious and inexcusable form of rank propaganda: media outlets continuously propagating a vital claim without having the slightest idea if it’s true.

U.S. Labels ALL Young Men In Battle Zones As “Militants” … And American Soil Is Now Considered a Battle Zone | Washington’s Blog.


Virginity Propaganda

September 10th is the Feast Day of St. Pulcheria (398 – 453). She was empress of Constantinople and had taken a vow of virginity.

St. PulcheriaAccording to Wikipedia:

Pulcheria’s time as Augusta was marked by war with Sassanid Persia. Pulcheria and Theodosius were victorious and, according to historians, Theodosius had credited his sister’s vow of virginity as the reason for victory. “The troops were described by Sozomen as ‘ready to do anything for the sake of Christianity.’  With fanatical fervor Theodosius had made his sister’s virginity a tool of war propaganda, and because of her vow to be faithful only to God the hand of God would help Roman troops in battle against Persia.