Monthly Archives: July 2019
Hover boards are finally real
But they looked a lot more fun in Back to the Future II, when Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel from 1985 to 2015 to prevent Marty’s son from sabotaging the McFly family’s future.

How come everything cool — all the new science and technology — always has to be claimed by the state first and used as a tool of death? Instead of helping me fly to the grocery store and back while both avoiding traffic and looking super cool, the new “fly boards” are being touted as — wait for it — a possible “assault platform.” Man, couldn’t we have had some fun with these things first, before someone went out and started figuring out how they could be used to better kill people?
New Anti-Imperialist Think Tank?
Scott Horton interviews Andrew Bacevich about the new Quincy Institute, which is “trying to bring support from the left and right together in opposition to foreign intervention. Funded by both George Soros and Charles Koch, the institute will seek to supplant the current bipartisan consensus that America must be the world’s police force with a more reasonable one that will not lead to the deaths of millions and the squandering of trillions of dollars from the productive economy.”
Funded by Soros and the Koch brothers? Hm…..
VP Pence at West Point
” America will always seek peace, but peace comes through strength. And you are now that strength. It is a virtual certainty that you will fight on a battlefield for America at some point in your life. You will lead soldiers in combat. It will happen.”
No more blessing weapons?
Gun Metal “Combat Rosary”
Cultural Appropriation
An interesting take. Never heard this one before.