Category Archives: Military Culture (of Death)

“With Empire, You Get Lady Gaga”

Two Catholic guys, Tom Woods and Bill Kauffman, discuss the “soul-corroding effect of military empire.” It’s time for Catholics to realize that defense of family values means we must oppose not only Planned Parenthood, but also the U.S. warfare state and its imperial armed forces.

If you’re pressed for time, I suggest you start the show at the 18 minute mark.

Note: Tom laments that Bill’s famous 2008 Ron Paul speech is no longer available on the internet. But ask and you shall receive. Someone has put it up again on C-SPAN.

Bill Kauffman at the Rally for Ron Paul


Frankenstein soldier

Military Test Electric Brain Shocks to Keep Troops Going


“Human frailty could become a national security issue.” — Allan Shaffer, Assistant Acting Secretary of Defense

WASHINGTON (Boston Globe, 2/18/14) — For some modern soldiers, caffeine is just not enough to stay vigilant, especially for the growing ranks of digital warriors who must spend hours monitoring spy drone footage and other streams of surveillance data. So the Pentagon is exploring a novel way to extend troops’ attention spans and sharpen their reaction times: stimulate the brain with low levels of electricity. It sounds like science fiction, but early experiments using “noninvasive” brain stimulation have been performed on several dozen volunteers at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. The results show the technique improves both alertness and acuity, researchers say.

“We found that people who receive the stimulation are performing consistently,” R. Andy McKinley, a biomedical engineer who oversees the research, said in an interview. Project officials want to study the effects further — especially to determine whether it is safe to stimulate the brain regularly. They expressed confidence that the work could ultimately result in a pair of easy-to-apply electrodes becoming standard issue for some military personnel. The hardware is unlikely to be standard issue for civilians any time soon. For now, researchers don’t envision non-military applications.

For decades what is known more broadly as electroconvulsive therapy carried a stigma — due in large part to early treatments that administered large doses of electricity to psychiatric patients without anesthesia, often causing memory loss, fractured bones, and other serious side effects. But such therapy now relies on carefully controlled doses of electrical current, which are passed into certain regions of the brain to cause, in effect, a minor seizure, or more rapid nerve impulses. But research into its effects on healthy subjects remains limited. “There is some evidence that it does seem to work,” said Dr. William “Scott” Kilgore, an assistant professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School. Still, he cautioned, “it is not very precise yet.” For example, stimulating certain parts of the brain reduces activity in others. “The hard part is to know what to turn on and what to turn off,” said Kilgore. [How about who is to decide what to turn off and what to turn on, on whom and why?] Kilgore is involved in a separate Pentagon study to help determine which parts of the brain are most effective to stimulate. “It gets somewhat complicated. It is a really exciting idea.”

The new Pentagon effort is described as one of the most in-depth studies ever of electric stimulation on healthy individuals. “We are beyond the proof-of-concept phase,” McKinley said. “We are working on something that would be easy to apply that you could field.”

But some specialists such as Kilgore aren’t so sure that the science is quite there yet to use on healthy subjects regularly, especially direct currents of electricity, which he said rely on “much newer technology than the other ones.” McKinley, too, acknowledged that there are still many questions to be answered, especially concerning any long-term effects. “As far as using it every day, there is almost no data on that,” he said. The Ohio laboratory, however, is “ramping up a study to do that very thing.” —Bryan Bender, Globe Staff.

***The following is commentary written by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy***

So friends, an initial puzzlement might be, why is the U.S. government and military making this little tidbit of information public now? They have been engaged in EMF (electromagnetic field) research for weapon development and as a means of altering the human personality since at least the early 1950s. Is this the beginning of a “get used to it” public relations campaign to accustom people to the idea that it is proper and right and necessary to electrically juice-up the military’s “cannon fodder class” in order to overcome its human frailities and make it more effective in the defense of national security?

A second question might be, does one have to have a prophetic consciousness of the caliber of the Jeremiah to realize the inevitable and horrendous consequences of this brain altering technology in the hands of deceitful men and women who have spent their lives lusting after power, prestige and wealth? Dr. Henry Kissinger, the poster boy for what it means to be possessed by the lust for power, by the willingness to deceive and by the willingness to murder, and who has been a dutiful sycophant to the similarly possessed super-rich, said in an unguarded moment, “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” 

Does the idea of putting Dr. Henry Kissinger in bed with Dr. Victor Frankenstein have even a smidgen of sanity to it?  Of course not! The lust of the de-empathicized, sociopathic power monger, or of the class of de-empathicized, sociopathic power mongers, is far beyond what the geography of normal consciousness can identify with. But, sane and ordinary folks are aware that those driven by such a lust are brutally dangerous and know no limits in satisfying their lust. But, sometimes even a knowledgeable, hardened, seasoned reporter like Lesley Stahl is taken aback by what such people will do to pursue their ends. When U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told her, rather matter-of-factly on national television, that the 500,000 Iraqi children killed in enforcing William Clinton’s sanctions against Iraq was a price that was “worth paying” in order to foster U.S. interests there, Stahl was visibly stunned.

Would such people as Clinton, Albright, Kissinger and their ilk even think twice about Frankensteining “grunts” and passing laws to mandate it? Remember the macabre, cruelly enforced, mandatory, destructive anthrax vaccination program for all military personnel started under Clinton and George W. Bush? Is there the slightest doubt, that if electrically juicing up the brains of these dumb, stupid animals would help Clinton, Albright, Kissinger and their like make the world as they and their opulent puppeteers want it, that they would not hesitate to turn on the current?

And, where do you suppose the U.S. Christian Churches and their leaders will stand on the issue of Frankensteining young Christian boys and girls, whose brains are nowhere near fully developed and who are recruited by the military? Las Vegas is giving 50,000 to 1 odds that they will be standing aside in their impenetrable cocoon of silence, where traditionally go when the issue is a contradiction between military morality and Gospel morality. Vegas is also giving 70,000 to 1 odds that U.S. Christian Churches and their leaders within a decade will be embracing Frankensteining of military personnel as a new avenue for achieving that metanoia, that change of mind, that Jesus called for—much as today they teach that Christian Just War Theory is another way, along with Jesus’ Way, of achieving peace.

-Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

Highest Form of Propaganda

The U.S. military has won the ideological war. The nation sees human and social problems as military problems. To fight terrorists Americans have become terrorists. Peace is for the weak. War is for the strong. Hypermasculinity has triumphed over empathy. We Americans speak to the world exclusively in the language of force. And those who oversee our massive security and surveillance state seek to speak to us in the same demented language. All other viewpoints are to be shut out. ‘In the absence of contrasting views, the very highest form of propaganda warfare can be fought: the propaganda for a definition of reality within which only certain limited viewpoints are possible,’ C. Wright Mills wrote. ‘What is being promulgated and reinforced is the military metaphysics—the cast of mind that defines international reality as basically military.'” Chris Hedges, The Menace of the Military Mind, Feb. 3, 2014

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, center, and other officials testify on Capitol Hill last Wednesday at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on national security threats. From left: National Counterterrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen, FBI Director James Comey, Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, center, and other officials testify on Capitol Hill last Wednesday at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on national security threats. From left: National Counterterrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen, FBI Director James Comey, Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan and Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Weapons of Choice

The following was posted on a Facebook page for American military people.

Image posted on Facebook page of American WOLF PACK.

Image posted on Facebook page of American WOLF PACK.

Here is a lecture given by Clarence Jordan from Koinonia Farm in Georgia.

A Word from Clarence on Christian Nonviolence

Clarence Jordan

The following is one of five lectures that Clarence delivered at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1962. To read more of this lecture and others, see Henlee Barnette’s “Clarence Jordan: Turning Dreams into Deeds.”

“Since many questions have been raised about the Christian and war, the Christian and violence, nonviolence, and so forth, I thought perhaps that tonight I would just kind of share with you some of the experiences which we have had in this whole area ourselves. Now, to begin with, Koinonia committed itself to the idea of nonviolence, and it was rooted in the theological concept that God is love, and that the basis of this s the Golden Rule. So, in 1942, when Koinonia was begun, we boldly asserted that – even to a nation at war- that this was out of keeping with the Christian teaching. …

Now it was not until 1956 that the race thing began to horning on us and that we had many, many opportunities to practice this whole business of nonviolence. But, in the earlier days, the opposition to us centered around this view on nonviolence.
We had hardly been there just a few days when an old farmer came down and he was all upset. He said, “I want to tell you something. You know what I don’t like about you folks?”
I could have given quite a catalog of things, but I said, “What?”
He said, “I don’t like it ’cause you won’t fight.
I said, “Who told you we wouldn’t fight?”
He said, “That’s what they’re telling around here. You won’t fight.”
I said, “Well, you got us wrong, Mister. We’ll fight.”
“Will you fight?”
“Yes, sir,” I said, “we’ll fight.”
He said, “How come you ain’t at the war if you’ll fight?”
I said, “Well, we don’t fight with those kinds of weapons.”
He said, “How do you fight?”
“Well,” I said, “we fight with love, and justice, and truth, and mercy, and prayer, and patience, and forbearance.”

And I saw I was losing him. Any time you start talking to a South Georgia farmer and ask questions, you’re going to lose him. So I had to get a little bit more concrete.
Well, I happened to see one of our mules with his head stuck out of the barn down there and a big old ear flopped over and a long old face – looked like this farmer! So I said, “You see that old mule?”

“Yeah, I see him.”
I said, “If you happen to walk down there by that old barn and that old mule reached out and bit you in the seat of the britches, would you bite back?”
“No, I wouldn’t bite that mule back.”
I said, “Well, why not?”
“‘Cause I ain’t no mule.”
I said, “Alright, I’ll take your word for it. You’re no mule.” And I said, “What would you do?”
He said, “I’d get me a two-by-four and I’d beat his brains out.”
“Oh,” I said, “in other words, you wouldn’t let the mule choose the weapon? If he wants to bite, you ain’t going to bite, huh? You’re going to get a weapon that the mule can’t use and you’ll beat its brains out.”
“Yeah,” he said, “that’s what I’d do.”

I said, “That’s the way it is with us, too. It isn’t that we won’t fight. We just don’t fight on the devil’s level. We don’t let him choose the weapon. You go to a jungle and want to fight with a lion, you going to let the lion choose the weapon? No! He chooses tooth and fang or fang and claw. You choose fang and claw and that lion will beat you. You better not let him choose the weapon. You better choose the weapon. So it is with us Christians. We choose the weapon. We do not let the devil choose our means of fighting.”

Killing is Sexy

Opening shot: a cathedral. A woman in red pumps stands in front of it, her feet shoulder width apart. Only her legs and red pumps can be seen. She struts past a car decorated with “Just Married!” in a tight red dress. She pauses again in front of the church and makes the sign of the cross. Inside, she struts down the aisle. As the priest is about to pronounce the bride and groom man and wife, the mysterious woman in red shoots the bride point blank in the chest. Blood splatters the groom. The wedding crasher runs out. People shoot at her but she gets away, leaving her red high heels behind. A car chase ensues.

killerwomenabc111Let me guess: She’s not really a bad guy. She’s a devout Catholic who is part of an elite group of law enforcement agents, just doing what she has to do. That bride was a really bad person. Someone has to do the dirty work, etc. We can do everything men can do! Yay. Like, Girl Power and stuff.

Adrenaline Junkies

The story of Gabriel Brown, former decorated soldier turned Blackwater employee turned armed robber, is sad indeed. He blamed his military “service” (he killed people whom he believed posed no real threat to him because he was ordered to) on his downward spiral in life, leading to drug use, adultery, gambling, debt, an addiction to adrenaline, and a feeling of shame, of being lost and feeling suicidal.

Hillsborough County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office

Hillsborough County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office

The Tampa Florida Tribune reports: “I was ordered to kill the man even though to me it seemed as if he was just ordinary guy coming out of his house. It was a difficult moment in my career as a sniper because in my opinion he was not a threat. It is not easy to kill people, and if you have to kill someone who you suspect is innocent just because you are ordered to do so, it is even worse. I still have nightmares about the man that I killed.”

Why do Christians keep lauding this kind of “service” that does not produce the fruit of the Spirit but it’s exact opposite? If a form of service does not produce the fruit of the Spirit, how can we say that the one being served is God? Who, or what, are these soldiers really serving?

Galatians 5:13-23: “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

I am


Here is another post I found on the Facebook page of a group called “Tried and Tested: America’s Warriors”:


So I guess “looking the reaper in the eye” is fine and all, but is that our highest end?

From Emmanuel Charles McCarthy: “Amidst the multiplicity of causes in which a person can choose to participate, there may be one that is intrinsically universal and holds instinctive priority for each human being and for all humanity. This does not mean that other causes are irrelevant or unimportant. It simply means that there is an inherently primordial cause that rationally must not be relegated to second place and that rationally must enter into our choices of other causes and the strategies and tactics we employ to pursue these other causes. Whether we realize it or not, we all live and choose by a hierarchy of values, a hierarchy of what we consider worthwhile. It is to this hierarchy of values that the picturesque old saw, ‘He is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,’ speaks.”

The following ten-minute YouTube video is the first of fifteen 10-minute videos on the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels and His Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies that McCarthy made at a studio in Birmingham, England, in 2012. We will point the other 14 as they become available.


Nobody Cares

The following appeared on the Facebook page of “Tried and Tested: America’s Warriors.”

facebook 2

File under: “Funny” because it’s true.

It got 273 likes and 572 shares.

Reported in the Washington Times on Dec. 13, 2013:

“The Pentagon loosened its guidelines on avoiding civilian casualties during drone strikes, modifying instructions from requiring military personnel to ‘ensure’ civilians are not targeted to encouraging service members to ‘avoid targeting’ civilians.”

Kill team: Obama war chiefs widen drone death zones – Washington Times


Victim of NATA airstrike in Afghanistan.


Photos from NATO bomb victims by Maso Notarianni at the Emergency Hospital in Lashkar Gah

Photos from NATO bomb victims by Maso Notarianni at the Emergency Hospital in Lashkar Gah

victim 3

“Too funny”

“This is some great stuff!”

“Phreakin awesome”

