Tag Archives: vaccine

What’s really going on?

So, let me get this straight: A week or two ago, a study found that people are overestimating the spread and fatality rate of COVID by far. When asked how many people they thought had died in their country from COVID, people across the world were guessing between 100-300 TIMES higher than the number of people who had actually died! This is evidence of mass delusion, hysteria, the molding of mass consciousness that cannot possibly be achieved in any other way besides that of an organized attempt, i.e. via the harping of the corporate legacy media day after day, night after night (the same corporate media that is bought and paid for by BigPharma).

Meanwhile, instead of 180,000 dead from the virus, a more pertinent figure of 10,800 now emerges (from the CDC). Those other deaths (even if you ignore the evidence of fraudulent reporting, which was widespread, and take the 180,000 number at face value) were not caused by COVID alone but by the virus combined with other health issues… and most of the time with the fact of simply being old and weak. (Respiratory illnesses have always been a #1 killer of the old.) Proven therapuetics like hydroxychloroquine + vitamins, which could be used cheaply, were deemed suspect and in some places made illegal, while expensive treatments like the PATENTED Remdesiver were considered acceptable, pushed. Doctors who talked about cheap and effective treatments were silenced and scorned. Doctors who talked about herd immunity and how to boost immune systems were silenced and scorned. Doctors who talked about “there’s no way out of this besides a vaccine”? Accepted!

The American economy was decimated by lockdowns, 1/3 of the American population is now unemployed, and 21% of small businesses are gone and never coming back. There is widespread social unrest and violence, and yet amid all of this: “The top 12 American billionaires have seen their combined wealth soar by 40 percent, from $283 billion to over $1 trillion since the health crisis began.”

There is no science to prove that a face diaper will protect you or anyone else from contracting a virus, yet everyone in the world has to don them everywhere they go, putting them on to enter and exit restaurants, for example, while being allowed to remove them while sitting. (This is not science. This is more like ritual.) Young people are not “put in cages” in school, but they might as well be! Reports coming in from college campuses make it sound more like prison than college.

And we hear Trump touting “Operation Warp Speed” and the development of a vaccine to combat this virus by end of year. Bill Gates, a man who comes from a family obsessed with eugenics, who is, himself, obsessed with population control, and has no background in medical science, is our new Public Health Czar, apparently. The vaccine that he wants to push on the population (which the American government has already paid BILLIONS for) is called an RNA/DNA vaccine: It’s new and experimental. (You should look into it.) President Trump has named the push for a vaccine “Operation Warp Speed.” I’ve read that to make a safe vaccine, with all of the standard animal and then human trials, it can take up to five years, sometimes ten, and I’ve read that 93% of them are never deemed safe and therefore never go to market. But they are going to create a vaccine for a “new” virus that was only discovered earlier this year and deploy it by end of year? Mind you they can’t even guarantee that the flu shot you get is the exact formula for the specific strain of flu that you have—and they have been studying the flu virus for over 100 years! President Trump has said he will use the military to get this vaccine to market. The Department of Defense is involved. Why? Why should the Department of Defense be involved in the development and administering of a “voluntary” vaccine?

Meanwhile the globalist oligarchs have admitted to engaging in a massive worldwide social and economic engineering project, using the virus as an opportunity to “reimagine, rebuild, redesign, rebalance, reset, and reorder” the world. (Their words, not mine.) It’s called the Great Reset. (Their words, not mine.) You can read all about it at the World Economic Forum’s website. It’s like a glossy new brochure for “our” future.

So, what’s going on here? My guess is: The purpose of the masks and the lockdowns are not to save anyone from disease (obviously) but to psychologically condition whole populations to be prepared to accept a “New Normal” (previously referred to as the New World Order), which they have re-branded “The Great Reset.” Once we get accustomed to not being able to do anything without a mask (shop, socialize, worship, work), it will be a smaller jump when they tell us we can’t do anything without a vaccine. (Have you ever heard of the frog in boiling water?) Am I wrong? Am I nuts? I hope so! I hope I’m proven wrong. But until then, consider this: “Most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists.” – G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State.

Sidenote: When I brought all of this up to my priest, and suggested that maybe Christian communities should start talking about all of this, he told me I shouldn’t trouble myself with worldly and political concerns, that it is all a distraction from my eteral destiny, that I need to pray and work on my relationship with God. Then he asked if I would come in and give a talk on racism at the symposium he’s setting up for the purposes of talking about race relations among our Catholic communty, at our parish in September. True story!

What do you think?