Tag Archives: Daniel C. McGuire

Alliance with military training contradictory

This is an excellent article by Daniel C. McGuire, professor of moral theology at Marquette University:

At Marquette University, there are two contradictory schools of thought on war and both are — confusingly — taught to our students. One is based on the Judeo-Christian, Catholic, Jesuit moral tradition, and it is encapsulated in what is called “the Catholic just war theory.” That theory puts the burden of proof on the warrior, not on the conscientious objector…The other school of thought taught at Marquette is called the ROTC. ROTC does not accept or include in its independent curriculum the “Catholic just war theory,” which defends the right of “selective conscientious objection to particular wars” for soldiers. Neither does its curriculum require course work on the biblical teaching of peace-making.

via Marquette and ROTC: Alliance with military training is contradictory, July 23, 2013