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It ain’t what it used to be.
Leon Panetta spoke at the DNC over antiwar chants by protestors and said the following:
“I’ve lived the American Dream. My parents were immigrants from Italy. They came through Ellis Island, made their way to California, and opened a restaurant in Monterey.
I can still remember standing on a chair in the back of that restaurant washing glasses. Never could my immigrant parents have dreamed that their son would grow up to be Secretary of Defense of the most powerful military in the world.”
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Mr. Panetta is a Roman Catholic according to Wikipedia. But in addition to his state idolatry there is this:
“The university fails to mention that Panetta, a member of Santa Clara’s board of trustees, not only has a strong pro-abortion voting record from when he served in the U.S. House of Representatives, but was also the co-sponsor of the federal Freedom of Choice Act. Later, as Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, Panetta defended Clinton’s veto of a bill that would have banned partial-birth abortions.”
from CNA:
All American Catholics should get out of the Democratic Party now as fast as they can. It is now clearly the Party of War and the Party of Abortion. The prominent role of “abortion rights” supporting Catholics such as Panetta, Joe Biden and now Tim Kaine only serves to underline that fact rather than disguise it.
It is not certain yet that the Republican Party is a morally viable alternative but at least it remains pro-life on paper and of greater importance is the fact that Donald Trump has routed the warmongers and neo-conservatives who formerly controlled the levers of power. Perhaps now is the time for Catholics to migrate to this Party and fight for their beliefs and principles under new ground rules.
“This country has had a secret foreign policy since the end of the second World War. One of the essential instruments has been the Central Intelligence Agency…You have the U.S. govt making great moral pronouncements and statements while it’s using this instrument to penetrate, infiltrate and destroy anything which gets in the way of what they define as the interests of the U.S. If you look at the historical record you find that the operations they conduct…They haven’t bothered asking us if we feel threatened by this that or the other thing…and often they are economic interests that they are defending. As a matter of fact I would say almost always. Entities in this country don’t care whether an American worker has a job or not, and are doing everything they can to destroy the capability of anybody in these other countries controlling their own destiny.” — Alan Francovich, filmmaker
Above is the documentary. Below is an interview with the filmmaker.
Alan Francovich is producer and director of the most definitive film on the CIA–the acclaimed three-hour documentary (Inside the CIA: On Company Business, 1980) –which took five years to make and required massive, world-wide research. The movie has won prizes at international film festivals and has been shown in over 30 countries. Francovich tells how the US government and the CIA have harassed him and have applied pressure to restrict the movie’s distribution. Francovich also relates some new information about the CIA and analyzes contemporary world events in light of this evidence.
“When I began to become acquainted with Dr. King’s assassination, which changed my life in many ways when it occurred, when I began to explore the details of his assassination and understood that he was killed by the United States government, then I began to ask questions, well, how does that relate to John Kennedy’s assassination or Robert Kennedy’s and then eventually Malcolm X as well, and I found the same patterns in all four of them but especially the same patterns in us, and I talk about myself personally and I’m talking about a collective reality, the way we see things in this country, and I began to realize there’s an extraordinary denial in us as a people when it come to dealing with a question of systemic evil within our system right here in much more profound ways than anybody on the Left, for example, is going to acknowledge any more than any of the rest of us are going to acknowledge. When it comes to the Central Intelligence Agency being engaged in assassinations abroad many people will acknowledge that. When it comes to them doing exactly the same thing in this country, that’s another thing. We don’t want to deal with that.” — Jim Douglass