We were happy to hear from a former military enthusiast on Nov. 19 and would like to share with you his email (with his permission, of course). Anyone out there in New Prague, Minnesota?
Good morning,
I stumbled across your website today; Lew Rockwell had linked it and posted an article of yours that caught my eye. I would like to sign up for your mailing list.
I am not Catholic (or protestant) – I just love Jesus and all manifestations of his kingdom; I currently attend a non-denominational church. I used to design hardware for the U.S. military and was an enthusiastic militaristic defender of “God and Country”; then God got my attention about the error of my ways. He used a mission trip to Haiti, a book entitled “The Myth of a Christian Nation” by Greg Boyd, and a sermon series from a Canadian Mennonite church entitled “Inglorious Pastors” (2010, Bruxy Cavey, www.themeetinghouse.ca). I’ve been on the path of Christian pacifism for only 3 years now, and in some respects I feel like a 3-year-old. I’m trying to learn and put to death my old ways and old anger. I’m trying to forgive myself for the mess I’ve made in the world – I’ve been repenting by draining the 401K money I saved at my old job and using it to fund projects in Haiti – purchasing school supplies for children; farm tools, agricultural training, and seeds for adults; etc. Beating sword-money into plowshare-money.
I do feel isolated; haven’t found a local group of Christians who hold to the peace-teachings of Jesus – most are still stuck in the “America is God’s special country” paradigm and all the militaristic cheerleading that entails. The church I attend is no exception – lots of flag-waving and bible-thumping. I want that to change, badly. I work with teenagers at my church; many have considered joining the military, and I’ve been able to alter the inertia of a few – which is something, at least. But we adults are stubborn beasts…lol. Help?
God bless you for what you’re doing; please keep up the good work. If you are aware of other Christians in or around the New Prague, MN, area that are of a similar mind, I’d love to partner with them.
Peace to you; again, please sign me up.
Luke Hacker