Category Archives: Militarism and Christianity

Armistice Day 2023

It was Veteran’s Day in Hartford, Connecticut. As members of Veterans for Peace, we greeted the thousands of basketball fans making their way into the XL Center (formerly the Hartford Civic Center) to attend the game between the defending national champion UConn Huskies and their opponents from Stonehill College. The stadium’s main entrance still bears its original moniker: Veterans Memorial Coliseum. It was a brisk but not brutally cold November morning. We met them with our voices, our signs, our flags and a Tibetan singing bowl that one of our members rang throughout the hour as we called attention to the devastation unfolding in Gaza. We wished them an enjoyable time at the game and we wished them all a happy Armistice Day. We also urged the crowd to be aware of what was happening so far away and to take whatever action they could to stop the horror. As it always does, violence begets violence. It becomes its own narcotic.

We wondered how many of these basketball fans actually knew about the history of Armistice Day and how it became Veteran’s Day in the mid 1950’s. Did they know that it was originally a day to celebrate and promote peace as World War I ended? Did they know why it had been renamed Veteran’s Day? The stated purpose of this change was to emphasize the sacrifice of all veterans of all wars in our nation’s history. The actual effect was to shift the focus from peace to war and to equate war with patriotism while implying that opposing war and/or being for peace is somehow unpatriotic.

We noticed how few of those making their way into the XL Center would even look at us let alone react to us as we called for an immediate ceasefire and as we attempted to bear witness to the death and destruction occurring in Gaza. A few people did nod and smile at us. A few thanked us for promoting peace. A few grumbled cynically about the idea of a ceasefire but the vast majority just walked on by as if we weren’t there. It was both interesting and disheartening to experience this apparent indifference.

I wondered why it was so difficult for them to even look at us. I wondered if this avoidance of eye contact was related to an intuitive desire to not feel something too uncomfortable to feel. I wondered.

Many have described what is going on in Gaza as a genocide in progress. Genocide is not a word to be used casually. In 1951 the United Nations held a convention to established a definition of genocide. It put forth a definition which states that “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”:
It then lists the acts as follows:

Killings members of the group.
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about
its physical destruction in whole or in part.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

You may decide for yourself to what extent these criteria are being met currently in Gaza.

I thought about the Holocaust and the question so many have asked themselves: How would I act in a society under fascist rule? Would I lash out at my oppressors or would I simply try to survive at all costs? Would I actively resist or would I make myself invisible? Would I have hidden and protected Anne Frank’s family or would I have turned them in to the Nazis to save my own skin?

Like most, I tell myself that I would do the right thing. I would resist the coercion and intimidation with every fibre of my being. I wouldn’t cave in to the pressure to cooperate with the oppressors. Or would I? I don’t actually know. I’ve never lived under such conditions.

The question of how we might act while a genocide is under way is no longer a merely theoretical one. It is happening in Gaza now. As of early December, 2023 there have been over 15,000 deaths of people who once lived in Gaza. Many of those were children. How many more uncounted deaths there are remains to be seen. Still more will die as life-sustaining resources have been cut off from the people of Gaza. Many will die of disease and starvation.

Many Americans are looking at their government’s extensive support for what the Israeli government is doing to the people of Gaza. Undoubtably, some Americans believe that the United States’ support of Israel is appropriate and justified. Even so, many others are wondering if the American government’s support is wrong and immoral. Certainly some Americans have painfully concluded that their government is complicit in a genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinians living in Gaza. How bizarrely ironic it is to see one nation that emerged from the tyranny and oppression of the British monarchy in the 18th Century and a nation that emerged out of the Holocaust of the 20th Century teaming up in the 21st Century to try to annihilate an impoverished group of human beings living in Gaza under an apartheid system that the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu once described as being comparable to South Africa’s.

It’s easy to understand why many of us feel powerless and disconnected from what our government does. Coincidentally or not, most Americans have become passive observers and perhaps even disinterested non-observers. We have our 21st century version of “bread and circuses” to keep us distracted and mollified. Many complain about being “taxed to death” yet how many of us realize how most of our tax dollars go straight into the Pentagon and then quickly into the coffers of corporations that provide the U.S. military with its weapons and related technology? American corporations provide a large percentage of all weapons of war manufactured worldwide. Death and Destruction: Made in the U.S.A.

How many of us are completely unaware of how obscenely profitable these corporations are and how they grow ever more wealthy and powerful as a result of the death and devastation they deliver? These corporations thrive on war. They incentivize war. War is good for their investors. To put it simply, war is very good for their business.

What language do such corporations understand? What convinces a corporation to stop doing what it’s doing? How do we reconcile the legalized fiction that declares that corporations are “people” while at the same time these “people” are absolved of any moral responsibility regarding their behavior? Are corporations subordinate to government or is government subordinate to them? If it is the latter, are we right to be cynical about the role of government to represent the will of the people and to act in support their well-being? If Big Government is actually the handmaid of Big Business it means that the high ideals of “liberty and justice for all” have been reduced to a marketing strategy to frame whatever government does at the behest of corporate power as something patriotic and justified.

These are some of the things I wonder about. I wish I had all the clear and correct answers to my questions. Maybe my questions aren’t even the right questions.

Our time of bearing witness comes to an end. It’s game time and there are just a few late arrivals hastily entering the XL Center. Our little group gathers and prepares to have lunch together.

It’s fair for you to ask if a small group of peace-mongers attempting to disturb the complacency of the general population is enough to make a difference. In one sense it is obviously not enough. I can easily imagine many of those basketball fans feeling briefly perplexed at why we even bothered to show up and protest the devastation of Gaza. They may think: “No one is listening to you.” They might be right about that. And yet there is something inside that says: “Do it anyway! This is what you need to do.” It says: “Don’t stop! Do more!”

And that “something inside” won’t take “no” for an answer.

Good Friday 2023

A few weeks ago, a group of peace activists stood in front of a city cathedral on Good Friday to call for an end to War and for the beginning of a Just Peace.

Good Friday, of course, is the day Christians commemorate the death of Jesus of Nazareth. More precisely, his death was a state-sanctioned execution by slow torture. The most powerful empire in the world at that time with an unrivaled military force carried out his death sentence.

A few weeks ago, just over two thousand years after Jesus’ crucifixion, a group of peace activists living in our current world’s preeminent military empire, the United States of America, gathered in front of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut. Though small in number, this group sought to disturb the complacency of a society that has become far too numb to its state of permanent war. On this holy day, a day of remembrance of the horrific state execution of an innocent prisoner, we stood outside the cathedral to bear witness to the countless innocent victims of modern warfare. So many have been senselessly killed only to be euphemistically categorized as “collateral damage” by the Masters of War. So many who did not die physically have been deeply traumatized by the raging insanity of War. Death and destruction are the immediate fruits of War while the enduring emotional trauma of War become the seeds from which future Wars emerge. This is the legacy of War.

If one seriously claims to follow The Way of Jesus, to follow his teachings and his example of how to live, one must regard all who are physically killed or psychologically maimed as nothing less than our full brothers and sisters. Their humanity and the sacredness of their lives cannot be diminished by labelling them with dehumanizing language which happens all too frequently in the reporting of War.

The question can be legitimately asked: Why would anyone stand on the side of a city street with a banner proclaiming PEACE IS STARTING and hand-held signs denouncing the madness of War? The pragmatists will ask: “What good will that do? It’s not going to change the minds of those in power.” If one sees our reality from a purely materialistic point of view where reality is composed only of atoms randomly rearranged over billions of years then the skepticism of the pragmatist is well-founded. Such protests, from this perspective, are a pointless waste of time and effort.

The answer to this question by those of us opposing War has everything to do with the rejection of that Old Story of us and its purely materialistic view of reality and of humankind. The Old Story of humanity is based on the mythology of “survival of the fittest” where we are all expected to relentlessly compete with each to have access to resources that we all need but don’t have enough of. This view of human life holds that we are fundamentally separate from each other and therefore declares that we must fight each other for the right to live. In this framework, those who are not “strong enough” or “don’t work hard enough” don’t deserve necessary resources. Ultimately, this means that certain people are not as deserving of life as others.

Which brings us back to the problem of War and the need to resist War in all its forms.

War is nothing less than a trauma factory on steroids. It destroys, degrades, and deforms everyone and everything it touches. War must be opposed for these reasons because ultimately War brings all of us closer and closer to suicide. We see this in terms of the epidemic of suicides among veterans and active military personnel that goes largely unacknowledged by those promoting the United States’ obscenely bloated “defense” spending year after year. It is also suicidal in the form of the very real danger of nuclear annihilation either by human or technological error or by the insane belief by any political or military leader that the use of nuclear weapons would somehow not be catastrophic for all life on our planet. Finally, War is devastatingly toxic to the natural world. Military activity significantly pollutes the air, water, and land that all earthly life depends on. The carbon footprint of the U.S. military alone is greater than that of many nations. This represents the “boiling frog” scenario in which humanity is the “frog” slowly but surely being boiled to death by the constantly increasing heat that Mother Earth is less and less able to mitigate for us.

Opposing War is opposing suicide. That is why we denounce it and reject it. It is not a form of “problem solving” or diplomacy. It is not a way of life. It is only the way to death.

So what is the alternative?

The alternative is based on the embracing of a New Story of humankind. It is an updated and scientifically-based understanding of human nature. This understanding proclaims that we prefer peaceful cooperation and coexistence far more than any inclination toward violence. This New Story of us is based on a conscious shifting toward the Power of Love and away from the Love of Power. It expands our awareness to know that who we is far beyond our mere biochemical physicality. We are not independent from each other but instead we are interdependent with each other. What we do to another we ultimately do to ourselves. Whether we like it or not, we are all profoundly interconnected. This concept is hardly a new one. Spiritual leaders have expressed this notion for thousands of years. Many traditions have some version of the Golden Rule as a key element of their faith.

So we gathered on Good Friday in the long shadow of the crucified Jesus so many years ago. We sought to make a most subversive statement to our present culture: Peace is possible and War is not inevitable. However imperfectly, we attempt to follow Jesus’ instructions for us to become the human beings we were meant to be. We have been invited and encouraged to follow his lead and live the way he taught us to live. He told us to love each other the way he loved us, to love our enemies and to bless those who curse us. He told us again and again not to be afraid. He asked us to follow him. Then and now.

Every voice lifted, every loving action taken for the cause of Peace with Justice is never a waste of time or effort. These actions may not resonate in the surface realms of corporate capitalism, white supremacy, and militarism but they resonate significantly in the greater depths of agape love. Like anyone caught in the riptide of a powerful addiction, those whose drug of choice is the assumed power of financial, political or military dominance will at first misperceive the notion of recovery as impossible or crazy. All who are addicted to the “bottom line” remain functionally blind until something happens, an ordeal is experienced that becomes “eye opening.” Some have argued that such deep-level change happens only when we experience either great pain or great love.

The first Good Friday was full of both.

A Catholic Return in the Third Millennium

by Doug Fuda

“I caught him, with an unseen hook and an invisible line which is long enough to let him wander to the ends of the world, and still to bring him back with a twitch upon the thread.” — Father Brown in The Queer Feet by G. K. Chesterton.

The year 2008 was a very eventful year in my life. For the first time ever I was genuinely interested in Presidential politics due to my enthusiasm for the candidacy of Dr. Ron Paul. I registered as a Republican in Massachusetts because I wanted to vote for him in the primary. I was working with several like-minded friends and we endorsed him on our website. I marched in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in South Boston with an enthusiastic contingent carrying a Ron Paul banner.

Dr. Paul’s campaign uniquely and courageously emphasized two issues that had always been most important in my mind — abortion and war. He condemned abortion because it violated the right to life (as protected by the Constitution) of innocent babies and what’s more he had a practical plan for how to actually curtail it based on states’ rights. In addition Ron Paul was an anti-interventionist advocate of peace at a time when the U.S. government was hyper-interventionist and aggressively warlike.

Of course, Dr. Paul did not win the nomination, but in November 2008, for the first time in my life, I cast a vote for President by writing in his name on my ballot.

But something else happened that year which is even more significant to me, even astonishing, and the two events are connected. I decided suddenly and unexpectedly to return to the Catholic Church, after an absence of about 40 years, when I read an article on the website by a Dr. G. C. Dilsaver.

At this point some background information is necessary.

continue reading at

“from the darkest hour arises the brightest hope”

The New Domestic Christendom

From Doc Dilsaver writing at, we now have an inspiring and realistically militant battle plan for a Christian restoration in the third millennium. One thing you can say about Doc is that he certainly doesn’t pull any punches! Technarcistic Man take heed!

Be sure to spread the word about this article and also the new book from which it is derived. Then let’s figure out how to unlock the lockdowns and unmask ourselves and our children so we can get back to doing our duty to God and to our families.

Here are some excerpts that are particularly relevant for those who understand the need to oppose all Catholic collaboration with the militaristic and decadent American Empire.

“Thus the erstwhile Christian nations no longer have the meaning they once did, for they have apostatized, are devoid of God, and are thus illegitimate.”

“This means that the third millennium is a time where Christian patriotism can no longer be properly equated with nationalism but rather only with true piety, or love and honor of God and parents. That is, a righteous patriotism then derives solely from the inseparable love of, and wholehearted allegiance to, faith and family.”

“Christians must not give their hearts to a State. Again, they are called to be patriots only in so far as they are called to be pious. A Christian’s allegiance should be both familial and universal, not national and political….. But when a people’s allegiance is national and political the flower of their own nation’s familial foundation is inexorably conscripted and exterminated, while the families of opposing politics or nations are likewise afflicted.”

“Rather, in this third millennium, the Holy Faith must find both its dynamic leadership, primary identification, and impactive dynamics in the Christian family. This will entail creating nothing less than a grassroots Christian order that is a separate and self-sufficient power structure unto itself, with values, laws, and governance that transcends, and truly countermands, that of the perverse popular culture and the Satanic State.”

P.S. — Joe Gallagher and David Gordon did an excellent interview recently with Dr. G. C. Dilsaver on the Church Militant Resistance Podcast:

“Patriotic Dissent” book review

Combat veteran turned peace activist Danny Sjursen just penned his second book, “Patriotic Dissent”. It can be fund here:

Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War – Heyday (

I certainly recommend it, as it captures his movement from neoconservative to dissenter against US foreign policy. Sadly, as too often in these cases, the Catholic Church failed Major Sjursen as well. The Iraq War shook his religious faith, as he initially said a Hail Mary before combat patrols to someone who no longer attends Mass or any religious services. If only the Church in the United States did more to help post-war veterans by not celebrating their service but help them spiritually grapple with it. If only it helped lead the anti-war movement to prevent the wars that create these opportunities for losses in the ultimate battle for the Salvation of Souls? I thank Danny for writing this; it captures much of my feelings as someone on a similar path. I also pray for him, and for Holy Mother Church.


Written by Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

Does anyone really believe that the current government and media script we are living in just emerged on the spur of the moment from nowhere to take over the entire national conversation and reality? Does anyone really believe that the official government and media script of the events of September 11, 2001, that two planes knocked down three giant skyscrapers into their own footprints at free fall speed? Does anyone really believe the government and media script of the Patriot Act, which began the process of systematically closing down democratic processes by placing unprecedented authoritarian dictatorial power in the hands of a relatively small coterie of people, and which was supposedly was written at warp speed and which was passed at warp #10 speed by a 99% vote in a Congress 99% of whom never read the Act before voting, is unrelated to the life people in the U.S. are enduring on September 11, 2020, and will be living under for the rest of their lives?

For that matter does anyone honestly believe that the murder of Salvador Allende, the democratically elected President of Chile, on September 11, 1972, by the U.S. Government under the immediate direction of Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor to the President Nixon, is not the product of the same mind-set and U.S. government policy as the murder of 2,400 people on September 11, 2001, and the murder of God only knows how many as of September 11, 2020, by the Covid19 government operation? On April 3, 2020 Henry Kissinger joined up with Bill Gates calling for the mass vaccination of everyone to stop Covid19!

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge — even to ourselves — that we’ve been fooled.” — Carl SaganThe Fine Art of Baloney Detection 

Being bamboozled by a daily diet of government and media scripts is just a risk everyone must live under who resides in the United States in the twenty-first century. There are in the U.S. an overgrowth of multi-million dollar “public relations” and advertising corporations whose sole agenda is to bamboozle as it fit their clients, government or private corporation, including religious corporation’s, needs. 

Politicians, who are professional bamboozlers, give hundreds of millions of dollars to these advertising firms at election time. Major and even minor U.S. elections are largely determined by who has the best bamboozling team. And, since bamboozlers have to pay, via their PR firms, big, big bucks to the media to effectively bamboozle the populous, the media will put out any script, truthful or untruthful, on which it can make a buck. The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Sullivan vs the New York Times makes it all but impossible to win a libel case against a media outlet even when it is proven beyond all reasonable doubt that it intentionally lied and its lying caused harm. So, when these bamboozling politicians get into power is it even sane to believe they will renounce their old bamboozling ways and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Such is the world in which everyone who lives in the U.S. today has to function. People just have to continually be figuring out whether, say, the food they’re buying will, as they are told in the advertisements, build strong bones and muscles, or will, as they are not told in the advertisements, cause cancer. C’est la vie. Today, truth is totally mobile. And, money is the vehicle that carries each day’s “truths” to the populous. Again, c’est la vie. Such is life at this time and probably for centuries to come in a society controlled and governed by bamboozlers. Live with it.

There is, however, one aspect of this bamboozling national environment that concerns me infinitely more than all others that I will not serenely live with nor voluntarily participate in, namely, when Christians are intentionally bamboozled into doing evil to other sons and daughters of the Father of all under the auspices that they are doing good and God’s will as revealed by God Himself in His Word “made flesh” Jesus Christ. The most egregious and long-running example of this is institutional Church officers bamboozling their people into believing that Jesus’ command to “Love your enemies,” is morally and spiritually compatible with the most ordinary activities of war, e.g., ripping people’s eyes out, slicing their throats, burning their faces off, blowing their brains out. Such bamboozling of the people of God by Church leaders generation after generation is radical evil in the strict sense. It is the institutional brainwashing of the beloved disciples of Jesus as well as all of the sons and daughters of the Father of all into accepting as the truth of Jesus that the way of hell is the Way to heaven.

Church rulers know well and use shamelessly to their advantage, the truth which Carl Sagan is communicating when he writes, “If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us.”

-Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

P.S. Tomorrow, September 12, I will present a spiritual/moral reflection by Dr. David Ray Griffin, who has been for over forty years a professional theologian focusing on process theology as a method to perceive and interpret the Good News of Jesus Christ. He has written eleven books, e.g. The New Pearl Harbor, on 911and the lies the U.S. government and media have propagated to hide the fact—and its immense implications and consequences—that the official 911 government report is erroneous to the point of absurdity and a cover up. But, he has written twenty-four books on philosophy, theology and religion. What he writes about tomorrow will not have one direct word about 911 in it.

What’s really going on?

So, let me get this straight: A week or two ago, a study found that people are overestimating the spread and fatality rate of COVID by far. When asked how many people they thought had died in their country from COVID, people across the world were guessing between 100-300 TIMES higher than the number of people who had actually died! This is evidence of mass delusion, hysteria, the molding of mass consciousness that cannot possibly be achieved in any other way besides that of an organized attempt, i.e. via the harping of the corporate legacy media day after day, night after night (the same corporate media that is bought and paid for by BigPharma).

Meanwhile, instead of 180,000 dead from the virus, a more pertinent figure of 10,800 now emerges (from the CDC). Those other deaths (even if you ignore the evidence of fraudulent reporting, which was widespread, and take the 180,000 number at face value) were not caused by COVID alone but by the virus combined with other health issues… and most of the time with the fact of simply being old and weak. (Respiratory illnesses have always been a #1 killer of the old.) Proven therapuetics like hydroxychloroquine + vitamins, which could be used cheaply, were deemed suspect and in some places made illegal, while expensive treatments like the PATENTED Remdesiver were considered acceptable, pushed. Doctors who talked about cheap and effective treatments were silenced and scorned. Doctors who talked about herd immunity and how to boost immune systems were silenced and scorned. Doctors who talked about “there’s no way out of this besides a vaccine”? Accepted!

The American economy was decimated by lockdowns, 1/3 of the American population is now unemployed, and 21% of small businesses are gone and never coming back. There is widespread social unrest and violence, and yet amid all of this: “The top 12 American billionaires have seen their combined wealth soar by 40 percent, from $283 billion to over $1 trillion since the health crisis began.”

There is no science to prove that a face diaper will protect you or anyone else from contracting a virus, yet everyone in the world has to don them everywhere they go, putting them on to enter and exit restaurants, for example, while being allowed to remove them while sitting. (This is not science. This is more like ritual.) Young people are not “put in cages” in school, but they might as well be! Reports coming in from college campuses make it sound more like prison than college.

And we hear Trump touting “Operation Warp Speed” and the development of a vaccine to combat this virus by end of year. Bill Gates, a man who comes from a family obsessed with eugenics, who is, himself, obsessed with population control, and has no background in medical science, is our new Public Health Czar, apparently. The vaccine that he wants to push on the population (which the American government has already paid BILLIONS for) is called an RNA/DNA vaccine: It’s new and experimental. (You should look into it.) President Trump has named the push for a vaccine “Operation Warp Speed.” I’ve read that to make a safe vaccine, with all of the standard animal and then human trials, it can take up to five years, sometimes ten, and I’ve read that 93% of them are never deemed safe and therefore never go to market. But they are going to create a vaccine for a “new” virus that was only discovered earlier this year and deploy it by end of year? Mind you they can’t even guarantee that the flu shot you get is the exact formula for the specific strain of flu that you have—and they have been studying the flu virus for over 100 years! President Trump has said he will use the military to get this vaccine to market. The Department of Defense is involved. Why? Why should the Department of Defense be involved in the development and administering of a “voluntary” vaccine?

Meanwhile the globalist oligarchs have admitted to engaging in a massive worldwide social and economic engineering project, using the virus as an opportunity to “reimagine, rebuild, redesign, rebalance, reset, and reorder” the world. (Their words, not mine.) It’s called the Great Reset. (Their words, not mine.) You can read all about it at the World Economic Forum’s website. It’s like a glossy new brochure for “our” future.

So, what’s going on here? My guess is: The purpose of the masks and the lockdowns are not to save anyone from disease (obviously) but to psychologically condition whole populations to be prepared to accept a “New Normal” (previously referred to as the New World Order), which they have re-branded “The Great Reset.” Once we get accustomed to not being able to do anything without a mask (shop, socialize, worship, work), it will be a smaller jump when they tell us we can’t do anything without a vaccine. (Have you ever heard of the frog in boiling water?) Am I wrong? Am I nuts? I hope so! I hope I’m proven wrong. But until then, consider this: “Most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. It is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists.” – G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State.

Sidenote: When I brought all of this up to my priest, and suggested that maybe Christian communities should start talking about all of this, he told me I shouldn’t trouble myself with worldly and political concerns, that it is all a distraction from my eteral destiny, that I need to pray and work on my relationship with God. Then he asked if I would come in and give a talk on racism at the symposium he’s setting up for the purposes of talking about race relations among our Catholic communty, at our parish in September. True story!

What do you think?

Fr. George Zabelka

Don’t miss the latest CAM podcast: Episode 50!

I know, I know — it’s almost three hours long! But it is the 75th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and this episode provides a great “behind the scenes” oral history that you won’t hear elsewhere; not to mention it acts as a great testimony to the way God works in human lives and human history, carrying out his plans in ways we can’t even see or could ever possibly plan.

God had a plan for George’s life. Find out more about:

  • What he did as a Catholic chaplain in 1945 at Tinian Island
  • Why he “blessed the bombs” of the 509th composite group, the group that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan
  • How belligerent Fr. Zabelka was when he first showed up at Fr. McCarthy’s retreats in the mid-70s. (“Are you telling me Jesus wouldn’t enjoy a good boxing match?!”)
  • His eventual conversion.
  • How his story came to be known around the world, despite Catholic media having no interest in it whatsoever.
  • How his story helped to spark the movement on the part of the U.S. bishops that eventually led to the writing and publishing of their 1983 pastoral “The Challenge of Peace” (which was a really big deal back in its day)
  • Why Zabelka is “considered a saint” in some circles of Japanese Christianity

To me, the story of George is unimaginably important. The story of why there are hardly any Catholics who know about George is equally important. It’s a great story, one about conversation, repentance, peace. Why were so few media outlets in the United States, both American and Catholic, so disinterested in telling it?

Don’t forget to watch the documentary about George as well, “The Reluctant Prophet”:

Fr George Zabelka, The Reluctant Prophet from GNV Team on Vimeo.