If you live in the Boston area, here is your chance to get involved with Catholics Against Militarism. Below is a copy of the email I sent out recently advertising our new Meetup group. I ask anyone who visits our website to think about friends or family they have in eastern Massachusetts who might be interested and inform these folks about our efforts. Thanks.
Dear Friends,
Please check out our new meetup and join us if you want to help fight American militarism and its influence in the Catholic Church. We’ll try to meet face to face on a regular basis for discussions and brainstorming, and hopefully we’ll eventually be able to organize forums, debates, teach-ins, etc. to get out the anti-militarism message and build Catholic solidarity in the Boston area.
To give you an idea of what we are about here is a link to my latest blog post:
And here are a couple of recent articles that are very topical.
Do Heroes Go to Heaven? by my co-blogger Cammy who is one of the founders of CAM.
An Invitation to All Catholic Killers
Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Quote of the week:
“America is the seat of power for the modern-day Roman Empire. What happens in the U.S. happens all over the world. It is our entertainment media, our language, our philosophy, our news, our culture, our cultural suicide that has been transplanted all over the globe.” — Michael Voris on The Vortex.
Doug Fuda
Roslindale, MA