Tag Archives: plutonium

Human Experimentation

“I can hire half the working class to kill the other half.” Jay Gould

“Half the scientists in the world, Christian or otherwise, can be hired to kill the other half.” ECM

“All our talks about peace and the weapons of the spirit are meaningless unless we try in every way to not work in any position, any job, that contributes to war, not to take any job whose pay comes from fear or war. We wish the workers would lay down their tools and refuse to make the instruments of death. One can withdraw from the factory, refuse to make munitions, airplanes, atom bombs As you come to know the seriousness of our situation—the war, the racism, the poverty in the world—you come to realize it is not going to be changed just by words or demonstrations. It’s a question of risking your life somewhere other than on the battlefields of war. It’s a question of living your life in drastically different ways.” Dorothy Day

“Am I my brother’s keeper? Oh no! I am my brother’s killer! It is a wonder that anyone employed in the making of these munitions, from the president of the company to the scientists down to the man who sweeps up at night, can look at their faces in the mirror or go to church on Sundays.  Do we want to preach the Gospel of Christ or our own gospel? Which shall it be?” —Catherine de Heck Doherty, The Gospel Without Compromise, 1976

“We’re not made by God to mass kill one another, and that’s backed up by the Gospels. Lying and war are always associated. Pay attention to war-makers when they try to defend their current actions; if they’re moving their lips they’re lying.” – Phil Berrigan

“Why would anyone believe that those who would lie to them about war would not lie to them about anything else that it served their interests to lie about?” -Emmanuel Charles McCarthy