Category Archives: Perversion and Propaganda

The Rosary, War and Violence

The following was written by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy and is republished with permission. 



The Rosary of Mary of Nazareth, the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of the Christ, the Theotokos, like so many other aids to salvation offered by the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches, is an often misunderstood and grossly misused sacramental. The above “death-dealing weapon with Rosary attached” picture can be seen in countless variations over the last five hundred or so years. For example, something visually akin to it is to be seen  in the “yet-to-be-removed” stain glass window immediately to the left of the high altar in the Sacred Heart Basilica at the University of Notre Dame, shown below. This particular visage presents Mary in heaven, depicted in the upper left hand corner, supporting Catholics killing Muslims at the naval Battle of Lepanto (October 7,1571). Because  it was allowed to be taught in the Church that Mary, at the request of Catholics reciting the Rosary, gave victory to the Catholics over the Muslims in their mutual slaughter event of  October 7, 1571, October 7 was made the universal Feast Day Our Lady of the Rosary. in the Catholic Church.


Beyond Lepanto, over the last five hundred years the Rosary has been employed many, many times to help Catholics kill better than their enemies in war, and thus obtain homicidal victories for Catholics over earthly enemies. This erroneous and evil understanding of the Rosary has not only been permitted to thrive within the Church, but has also been fostered in the institutional Church over the centuries by popes and every rank of clergy. Everyone of these homicidal pious legends about Mary being on the side of and giving support to Catholics in killing enemies is spiritually fallacious. Neither Mary, nor her Son, nor the God of the New Testament leads Catholics or anyone else in violent victories over historical enemies. It is the evil of blasphemy, “giving dogs [of war] what is holy, throwing pearls before swine ” (Mt 7:6), to say or to teach otherwise, regardless of what office or status one holds in the institutional Church. By of such brutal abuse of the truth of the  Rosary by people high and low in the institutional Church, the Rosary—which is a genuine sacramental capable of being an avenues of a healing prayer to Jesus for the soul and the body, the mind and the heart, the culture and the Church— is all but spiritually inaccessible, for even consideration, to the vast majority of Christians in the world yesterday and today.

So hopefully to clarify once and for all on this Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary, October 7, AD 2016, the Divine Truth embedded within the Rosary, all that is necessary is to always remember Mary’s last words in the Gospels, which are the authentic public revelation of the Church: “Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you.” The Rosary is being radically abused when it is employed to pray for anything that Jesus never would have commanded or done. But, when employed to pray with Mary to Jesus for anything and everything that Jesus commanded, then it is an ineffable instrument for encountering grace, God’s Self Communication, God’s Life, God’s Love, God’s Power, God’s Wisdom and God’s living Word through Jesus, the Christ—with the help of the Mother of the Christ, the Theotokos.

Finally let us never forget, that the only Jesus that Mary in the Gospels could possibly be referring to when she speaks for the final time in the Gospels and proclaims, “Do whatever He tells you,” is the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels who teaches, indeed commands, a Way of Nonviolent Love of friends and enemies as the Way for those He chooses as His disciples.


From Kansas City, MO


Talked with a priest from Kenya regarding his homily at today’s Mass [Oct.7, 2016]. Our conversation lasted about 5  minutes until he said let’s end it until I read more about the context of the Battle of Lepanto. He laughed at me when I questioned that the victory should not be attributed to Mary. He said that I am the only one–no other scholar or church authority ever questioned that the victory be attributed to anyone other than Mary.



Prayer to the Blessed Mother for Victory

Mary, grant us the victory!” That is sufficient. The whole of the uttered Rosary to you Blessed Mother at Lepanto and at all other battles and wars is compact into those pregnant words: “Mary, Grant us victory.” Elaboration is not necessary. When you have prayed for victory, however, you have prayed for many unmentioned results which follow victory—which must follow it, cannot help but follow it. So upon the listening spirit of the Blessed Mother of Jesus falls also the unspoken part of your prayer to “Grant us victory.”


It says and must say,

O Holy Mary, our young go forth to battle – be near them! Be with them as they go forth from the sweet peace of their beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Holy Mother, help them to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with their shells. Help them, Mary, to cover the enemies smiling fields with the pale forms of the enemy’s dead. Help them, Our Lady Help of Christians, to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of the enemy’s wounded, writhing in pain. O Mother of Mercy, help our side to lay waste to the enemy’s humble homes with a hurricane of fire. Help us, O Mother of Sorrows, to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief. Mother of Jesus help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags, hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring God for the refuge of the grave. And for our sakes who venerate thee as our Mother and Mother of the Church blast our enemies hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage. Mary, Queen of Peace. make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask  you to intercede with Jesus for all this, in the spirit of your maternal love of Him Who is the Source of Love and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all who are sore beset and seek His aid. Amen.

(With gratitude to Mark Twain) or

Dark Times Since a Dark Day










The 9/11 Memorial features exactly one piece of art that questions the official conspiracy theory about that day. Here is an interview with artist Anthony Padua, and some of his artwork shown above.


The New “American Dream?”


It ain’t what it used to be.

Leon Panetta spoke at the DNC over antiwar chants by protestors and said the following:

“I’ve lived the American Dream. My parents were immigrants from Italy. They came through Ellis Island, made their way to California, and opened a restaurant in Monterey.

I can still remember standing on a chair in the back of that restaurant washing glasses. Never could my immigrant parents have dreamed that their son would grow up to be Secretary of Defense of the most powerful military in the world.”

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Mr. Panetta is a Roman Catholic according to Wikipedia. But in addition to his state idolatry there is this:

“The university fails to mention that Panetta, a member of Santa Clara’s board of trustees, not only has a strong pro-abortion voting record from when he served in the U.S. House of Representatives, but was also the co-sponsor of the federal Freedom of Choice Act. Later, as Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, Panetta defended Clinton’s veto of a bill that would have banned partial-birth abortions.”

from CNA:

All American Catholics should get out of the Democratic Party now as fast as they can. It is now clearly the Party of War and the Party of Abortion. The prominent role of “abortion rights” supporting Catholics such as Panetta, Joe Biden and now Tim Kaine only serves to underline that fact rather than disguise it.

It is not certain yet that the Republican Party is a morally viable alternative but at least it remains pro-life on paper and of greater importance is the fact that Donald Trump has routed the warmongers and neo-conservatives who formerly controlled the levers of power. Perhaps now is the time for Catholics to migrate to this Party and fight for their beliefs and principles under new ground rules.

Assassination and the Holy Spirit

The following was written by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy.



This Sunday morning at St. Edith Stein Catholic Church in Brockton, MA, I heard one of the most abominable Pentecost sermons that I have ever been subjected to in my seventy-five years of Sunday Masses. The homilist, an ordained deacon of the Archdiocese of Boston, explained Pentecost to the congregation by telling an extended story on how the Holy Spirit guided Pope Pius XII to participate in a plot to kill Adolf Hitler. Pius XII was more than likely in cahoots with people who were trying to whack Adolph Hitler—whom he helped to become Chancellor—because he was in ongoing contact with Wild Bill Donovan and his OSS (the precursor of the CIA) during WWII, as his successor Pope John Paul II was in constant contact, maneuvering and contriving with the CIA through ongoing blacked-out fights between Washington and Rome by Ronald Reagan’s CIA director, and Knight of Malta, William Casey. (Any wonder why China refuses to let the Roman Catholic Church operate freely within its borders and keeps a close eye on the other Western Christian Churches? It is not Jesus it is worried about!). But such has been the history of Popes and the papacy for over a thousand years to this very day: political intrigue, espionage, war, the overthrow of governments, spying, moles, assassinations, propaganda, block opts, etc. In fact it is hard to imagine how anyone could be elected Pope today that did not have the CIA’s informal Imprimatur, as in times past the selection of a Pope had to be formally approved of by various European political powers.

Be that as it may, there is nothing in a Pope’s or the Vatican’s political cloak and dagger activities that is of the Holy Spirit, that is informed by the Holy Spirit, that is guided by the Holy Spirit or that is inspired by the Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit that is being spoken of is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Word (Logos) of God Incarnate and the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. There can be no contradiction between the Holy Spirit embodied in the Nonviolent Jesus of the Gospels who teaches by words and deed as the revealed will of the Father a Way of Nonviolent Love of all, friends and enemies, under all circumstances and the Holy Spirit of the Third Person of Holy Trinity of which each Christian is a temple and who lives in the Body of Christ, the Church, guiding and empowering it to live the Truth and fulfill the Commission it was given by Jesus (MT 28:19).

It is to fill a congregation with craziness and untruth to even suggest that the Holy Spirit guided anyone, including a Pope, to be an assassin in total logical contradiction of the teaching of Jesus in the Gospels. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One, are simple; there is no contradiction within the Holy Trinity; there cannot be any contradiction within the Holy Trinity, amongst the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Holy is the same for each, is each, and the definitive, infallible truth regarding what that Holiness is revealed in Jesus. The God Jesus reveals to humanity is not an absurdist, revealing one thing as truth on Monday and the opposite of it as truth on Tuesday. What Jesus reveals about the Holiness of God is and must be the same on Monday, Tuesday and forever for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Heaven and earth may pass away, but my words will not pass away,” says Jesus Christ.

What this deacon did to a captive audience from the pulpit at Mass this Sunday morning is being done Sunday after Sunday from pulpits across the U.S. with the approval of the Catholic Bishops, namely, the mad, illogical and clever militarizing of the minds of Christian under the auspices of “putting on the mind of Christ.” So, let me leave the final words on this evil—and it is evil because it is deception whether realized or not—to Pope Benedict XVI from is University of Regensburg address:

“Here I am reminded of something Socrates said to Phaedo. In their earlier conversations, many false philosophical opinions had been raised, and so Socrates says: ‘It would be easily understandable if someone became so annoyed at all these false notions that for the rest of his life he despised and mocked all talk about such matters—but in this way he would be deprived of the truth of existence and would suffer a great loss’… In the beginning was the logos, and the logos is God, and the logosbecame flesh in Jesus, says the Evangelist. The truly divine God is the God who has revealed Himself as logos and, as logos, has acted and continues to act lovingly on our behalf. It continues to be the love, agape, of the God who is logos. Not to act with logos, is contrary to the nature of God.”

Tyrannicide, like the mass homicidal slaughter of war, like burning Jews and heretics at the stake, contradicts the Person and teaching of Jesus, the Logos (Word) of God Incarnate—and by necessity logically contradicts any notion of Natural Law Morality of which the Logos of God, Jesus, is the Author. The Author of the Sermon on the Mount and the Author of the Natural Law are the One and the same Logos of God and therefore cannot be in logical contradiction of each other.

-Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

TV Priest Assures TV President: “It’s all good!”

In House of Cards Season 3, sociopathic American President, Frank Underwood, has a brief spiritual crisis in which he questions the deaths of soldiers in the War on Terror, the value of sacrifice, the difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God, and asks a priest why Jesus Christ did not fight back. All good questions, actually.

But it’s strange, as this character has not experienced any other attacks of conscience in the first two seasons or expressed preoccupations with anything other than his own quest for power. He is a murderer (shoving someone in front of an oncoming subway) and an adulterer — generally one sick, sick dude. But Hollywood seems to love “heavy” scenes set in Catholic cathedrals so I guess they needed President Underwood to suddenly — out of nowhere — start feeling some compassion for his fellow man and asking questions about right and wrong, love, and the meaning of life, life beyond his own petty immersions in power-politics.

The TV Priest shrugs his shoulders and says, “I ask myself that question all the time,” (about why Christ didn’t fight back) then reassures the President that it’s okay to continue killing innocent civilians in the War on Terror. It’s a-okay. Collateral damage, you know? Then he says a lot of other pretty vague and confusing things about “service” and God that don’t really make a lot of sense. Is this yet another example of Pentagon propaganda infiltrating our television and movies (and thus our minds) with their murderous mindset, or an accurate depiction of American society and the Church’s role in that society, their utter inability to answer the most basic questions about the most pressing issue of our time, war and peace, within the context of the Catholic faith?

I don’t watch a lot of television, but when I do, I see an awful lot of protagonists these days who are politicians, law enforcement and government agents. What ever happened to television shows about families and friends? The television shows these days aim to make us sympathize with the person who is acting — always in a manner that is cold, calculated and rational — on behalf of the government, and too often they portray “regular people” (citizens) as weak, rabid, emotional, unpredictable, menacing mobs. The government agent is always the good guy, of course, and these shows always seem to be trying to assure me that killing is okay, necessary, noble even, because,  you know — safety first.

If you watch the clip to the end, you will see the charming culmination of the scene, when the American President spits in the face of Jesus hanging on the cross. Again, is this just an example of Hollywood trying to be scandalous and shocking, or is it an accurate representation of the state’s true attitude toward Christianity?

The propaganda in this society is pervasive and persistent. Kill your t.v.

Women at War or War on Women?

In regard to the recent post by Cammy about the military’s offer to freeze the sperm and eggs of soldiers, I feel the need to comment if only to give myself a brief blog item to send to others who are better qualified or better positioned to raise an alarm about this.

In vitro fertilization (IVF), as a means of human reproduction, is an evil use of medical technology which is forbidden by God’s laws. That is not my opinion. That is the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Here is a link:

Church teaching on In vitro fertilization

That’s one of the great things about being Catholic. You don’t have to agonize over every moral dilemma that comes along (and new ones come along at a breathtaking pace these days). You don’t have to make all decisions based on your own very imperfect intelligence, knowledge, feelings and judgment. Some things have already been decided for you. Save yourself the effort and the grave danger of getting it wrong. Believe what the Church teaches and live by it.

Here is the link to the recent speech by Defense Secretary Ash Carter outlining the new programs to “support our military families.” Many good Catholics who are strongly pro-llfe and pro-family still hold the American military and government in high esteem. I beg them to read Mr. Carter’s speech carefully and then get back to me.

Force of the Future

The Force of the Future apparently requires the Family of the Future. Within the past year or two we have seen several rapid fire developments. Women can not only join the military but they are now able to engage in combat. They may even be required to register for the draft and forced to fight for the American Empire in the near future. Furthermore, in order to make all this more palatable, the Pentagon will now assist and encourage women to freeze their eggs and then provide the IVF technology to let potential moms serve the State first, and postpone having a family to a more convenient time. Evil on top of evil on top of evil. The military is not merely reflecting the evil in society, it is here acting as an innovator of evil in the cultural realm and it has specifically targeted young women and is now waging war against femininity and natural law.

Where are the Catholic priests and bishops, the Catholic fathers and grandfathers? Who will stand up to this? 

Please readers, if you find examples of Catholic voices that condemn this atrocity let us know about it.

Doug Fuda