What is racism? Are you BIPOC?

Here is the list of who is currently eligible for vaccination in Vermont. This policy is a deliberate provocation and it is pure evil. It promotes racial conflict and we are headed for race war if this type of thing continues. This will drive poor and working class whites, especially young white men, toward white nationalism and that is what is intended I believe. Will the Catholic Church in Vermont condemn this anti-Christic state policy? Don’t hold your breath.



People 50 years and older

People 16 years or older with high-risk health conditions

Parents and primary caregivers of children with high-risk health conditions

Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC)

English language learners and people in immigrant/refugee communities–

Health care personnel and residents of long-term care facilities

People who work in the public safety system

School staff and child care workers

The Shame of it All

There is an understandable temptation to shame the perpetrators of the attempted insurrection earlier this week at our nation’s capital. Perhaps even more tempting is the desire to shame all those in power whose rhetoric fueled the eruption of violence we saw. To shame any such person is to forcibly impose on them the label of sub-human (usually with much more graphic phrasing) and to unilaterally declare them unworthy of humane treatment. To shame someone is to humiliate them. There is, of course, a reactive desire for retribution when we feel assaulted or offended and we feel very tempted to “get even” with the perpetrator and we make a case (publicly or in the privacy of our our thoughts) for the justification of the “payback” to be delivered. The Grand Fantasy, of course, it that this will somehow be corrective and healing for us or at least make us “feel better” (translation: a massage session for our ego) and that it will “teach them a lesson” and will “make them think twice before they act that way again.”

Someone from another world might look at us and ask: “How’s that been working for you humans?” I think if we’re honest, the answer is that it isn’t working for us. I suspect that we keep at it because we think it “should work” (because we’re the smartest people we’ve ever met!). So we keep punishing each other and wonder in amazement when those being punished “don’t get it.”

Here’s the thing: Shaming does not produce enlightenment. Shaming does correlate to violence. Significantly so. I contend that this is the case because shaming is violence. It is a direct attack on the human spirit embodied within every one of us (no matter how obscured it might be by multiple layers of “baggage” we have accumulated over time) and attacking anyone in this way does not induce them to become well behaved. When any of us is in enough pain we will tend to either lash out at others or lash inwardly against ourselves. We saw lashing out in Washington, D.C.

I am not in any way condoning or making excuses for the would-be insurrectionists or those who egged them on. I am adamantly opposed to their actions and beliefs. People, however, are not the problem. The problem is the problem. So what’s The Problem? Here’s my answer: The Problem is the belief that violence in whatever form is an effective way to resolve conflicts or heal injuries. Certainly we in America have romanticized and relentlessly promoted the fiction that “violence works.” This fiction permeates our politics, our economics, our legal system, and our popular entertainment just to list a few examples. We have been swimming in this fiction for far too long. We have learned to revel in the defeat of the “other” and to glorify ourselves in our “winning.” This may serve the pleasure center of the National Ego and our little individual ones but it does not serve our actual wellness as members of the Human Family.

It stops when we stop it.

“from the darkest hour arises the brightest hope”

The New Domestic Christendom

From Doc Dilsaver writing at lewrockwell.com, we now have an inspiring and realistically militant battle plan for a Christian restoration in the third millennium. One thing you can say about Doc is that he certainly doesn’t pull any punches! Technarcistic Man take heed!

Be sure to spread the word about this article and also the new book from which it is derived. Then let’s figure out how to unlock the lockdowns and unmask ourselves and our children so we can get back to doing our duty to God and to our families.

Here are some excerpts that are particularly relevant for those who understand the need to oppose all Catholic collaboration with the militaristic and decadent American Empire.

“Thus the erstwhile Christian nations no longer have the meaning they once did, for they have apostatized, are devoid of God, and are thus illegitimate.”

“This means that the third millennium is a time where Christian patriotism can no longer be properly equated with nationalism but rather only with true piety, or love and honor of God and parents. That is, a righteous patriotism then derives solely from the inseparable love of, and wholehearted allegiance to, faith and family.”

“Christians must not give their hearts to a State. Again, they are called to be patriots only in so far as they are called to be pious. A Christian’s allegiance should be both familial and universal, not national and political….. But when a people’s allegiance is national and political the flower of their own nation’s familial foundation is inexorably conscripted and exterminated, while the families of opposing politics or nations are likewise afflicted.”

“Rather, in this third millennium, the Holy Faith must find both its dynamic leadership, primary identification, and impactive dynamics in the Christian family. This will entail creating nothing less than a grassroots Christian order that is a separate and self-sufficient power structure unto itself, with values, laws, and governance that transcends, and truly countermands, that of the perverse popular culture and the Satanic State.”

P.S. — Joe Gallagher and David Gordon did an excellent interview recently with Dr. G. C. Dilsaver on the Church Militant Resistance Podcast:

Does Antifa advise the CDC?

Just wanted to help spread the word about this sickening development. Hard to believe that this is happening. Racial criteria for vaccination schedules. Very evil stuff. Catholics have a moral obligation to denounce this racist, pseudo-scientific garbage.

The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First?

“An independent committee of medical experts that advises the C.D.C. on immunization practices will soon vote on whom to recommend for the second phase of vaccination — ‘Phase 1b.’ In a meeting last month, all voting members of the committee indicated support for putting essential workers ahead of people 65 and older and those with high-risk health conditions.

Historically, the committee relied on scientific evidence to inform its decisions. But now the members are weighing social justice concerns as well, noted Lisa A. Prosser, a professor of health policy and decision sciences at the University of Michigan.”


“’To me the issue of ethics is very significant, very important for this country,’ Dr. Peter Szilagyi, a committee member and a pediatrics professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said at the time, ‘and clearly favors the essential worker group because of the high proportion of minority, low-income and low-education workers among essential workers.’”


“The C.D.C. includes educators as essential workers. But not everyone agrees with that designation.

Marc Lipsitch, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, argued that teachers should not be included as essential workers, if a central goal of the committee is to reduce health inequities.

‘Teachers have middle-class salaries, are very often white, and they have college degrees,’ he said. ‘Of course they should be treated better, but they are not among the most mistreated of workers.’”


“Harald Schmidt, an expert in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, said that it is reasonable to put essential workers ahead of older adults, given their risks, and that they are disproportionately minorities. ‘Older populations are whiter, ‘ Dr. Schmidt said. ‘Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.’”

“Patriotic Dissent” book review

Combat veteran turned peace activist Danny Sjursen just penned his second book, “Patriotic Dissent”. It can be fund here:

Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War – Heyday (heydaybooks.com)

I certainly recommend it, as it captures his movement from neoconservative to dissenter against US foreign policy. Sadly, as too often in these cases, the Catholic Church failed Major Sjursen as well. The Iraq War shook his religious faith, as he initially said a Hail Mary before combat patrols to someone who no longer attends Mass or any religious services. If only the Church in the United States did more to help post-war veterans by not celebrating their service but help them spiritually grapple with it. If only it helped lead the anti-war movement to prevent the wars that create these opportunities for losses in the ultimate battle for the Salvation of Souls? I thank Danny for writing this; it captures much of my feelings as someone on a similar path. I also pray for him, and for Holy Mother Church.

Interesting Times

“The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty.” — Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

All American Catholics should watch this speech. Amoral “rule by experts” is a hallmark of the American empire, whether we are talking about pandemics and lockdowns, homosexual marriage and transgenderism, or militarism and warmaking.